New Discoveries in ADD, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and More

Patients report a significant improvement in self-control, memory and prolonged concentration”. Nissim Cohen (photography: Itamar Kav) So, you’ve been told that your child suffers from ADD/ADHD? Before turning to pharmaceutical treatment, you should check out Alfa Rhythm, a revolutionary technological solution that aids in balancing brainwaves through a totally natural method. Have you ever have […]
Digital Smartwatch “Alfa Rhythm”

Incredible! The digital smartwatch “Alfa Rhythm” which treats: anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and more… In only 15 minutes a day!
Memory Loss and Dementia

A natural device for those suffering from Alzheimer’s Thanks to revolutionary new technology – vibrational frequency technology – the Alfa device offers an innovative utility for Alzheimer sufferers with the aid of a vibrational frequency system used to stimulate the nervous system. This device has been proven to improve cognitive function via improvement of the […]
Study Difficulties

Do you want your child to improve their results and have an easier time studying? Is it important for you to be more focused at work? Would you like to avoid discomfort during exams? With vibrational frequency technology, patients learn to regulate their brain wave activity according to the therapeutic protocol suited for their needs, […]
New Discoveries in ADD/ADHD

Is there a scientific test of some sort that could conclude in an absolute manner whether or not your child suffers from ADD/ADHD? The short answer is a big NO. Although there is an increasing amount of knowledge relating to the biological root of this disorder, as of today there is still no objective test […]

Do you suffer from headaches? Migraines? is it difficult to function? Headaches can drive anyone crazy, especially chronic headaches. At home, at work and on vacation, it ruins the entire day. We take another pill and another, and it just won’t leave. The cause of headaches among those suffering from migraines (cluster headache) is the […]
Attention Span and Concentration Issues

Have you ever been spoken to and your mind wanders somewhere else? Is it hard for you to sit still in one spot? Do you tend to procrastinate tasks, failing to complete them in time? When our mind wanders to other, more interesting places and when all our tasks get jumbled up it angers everyone. […]
Stress, Depression and Anxiety

Are you suffering from constant fatigue? Are you worried you’ve lost your love for life? Do you feel like you’re being controlled by a strong feeling of fear and loss of control? The pressures of life and the need to adapt ourselves to constant changes leaves its mark on us. Sometimes, it gets us to […]

Suffering from bad sleep? Having trouble falling asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night or too early and are unable to fall back asleep? Our eyes shut but we stay completely awake. We try reading a book, changing position, and drinking water yet nothing helps. Night after night, the same frustrating […]